Information about SLP2SLP


Welcome to SLP2SLP Marketplace!

SLP2SLP is an online marketplace designed by SLPs for SLPs to connect, share, support, and empower clinicians by showcasing clinical resources and materials developed by trusted professionals.

Anyone is welcome to join the SLP2SLP community FREE of charge.  

Join to connect, browse, shop, or sell clinical content.

About Us

We are a group of Speech-Language Pathologists interested in creating a community exchange of clinical resources.  We are clinicians, professors, and entrepreneurs in the United States practicing in the area of Communication Sciences & Disorders.

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower and encourage SLPs to innovate, create, and share original clinical content.  We know the time it takes to generate and find useful, accessible and affordable clinical materials so we have designed a space where SLPs can come together to support one another through the exchange and sharing of resources. When you save time on creating clinical materials you have more time to grow your clinical skills and focus on providing the best possible service to your clients and their families.